5 Exercises That Will Improve Your Golf Game

5 Exercises That Will Improve Your Golf Game

Is it necessary to exercise to play golf? Golfers are generally unconcerned about their fitness. Even professional golfers in the past rarely exercised, and there were few “buff” players strolling down the fairway. There are a few top public golf courses in Michigan where you exercise with the help of coaches.

What are the most effective golf exercises for you? We’ve included our top five favorites below, and we believe a mix of them is the ideal golf exercise.

Why Perform Golf Exercises?

First, increasing your strength in the right muscle groups will help you to enhance your swing speed and distance. Second, increased flexibility and balance will enhance your swing and add speed. Finally, inexperienced golfers underestimate the need for stamina.

1. Rotational Lunges

To execute this workout, we recommend using a small medicine ball (heavy ball). Hold the ball close to your chest while standing with your feet together.

Lunge forward with your right foot, bending your left knee towards the ground. Maintain this posture while rotating your arms, balls, and body to the right. Return to the beginning position by rotating back to the center. Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.

2. Lateral Jump Alternate

Simply defined, this is leaping from side to side, but to get the most out of this golf workout, you must concentrate on your technique. You want this to be a powerful move.

You must load up for each leap by engaging your lower body muscles. You don’t have to leap a long distance back and forth, but you do want a continuous back-and-forth, side-to-side action.

3. The Cat and the Camel

Begin by breathing and arching your back with your head down. Bring your back down and try to pull your back end up towards the ceiling as you exhale. Hold each posture for at least 5 seconds and perform 10 repetitions. You may gradually increase your reps.

4. Push-ups

We’re sure you’re acquainted with the push-up exercise, and while you might not think of it as a vital element of a golf workout, it offers numerous advantages. The basic push-up remains one of the finest workouts for increasing upper body strength.

5. Pelvic Tilt

Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor, and knees bent. Position your hands behind your head (this position is similar to the starting position of a sit-up). Tighten your abs, buttocks, and thighs to force your lower back into the floor. Perform 10 reps and strive to raise this amount as your golf sessions progress.


The optimal golf workout for each player will change according to age, physical fitness, and general body coordination. Give these golf workouts a go, but if you find one too difficult, skip it and come back to it later. The idea is to get your body in shape and ready for the golf field. Else you can enroll in one of the top 10 golf resorts in Michigan where coaches will make a regimen suitable to you.